Examination Section


B.Tech (UG)
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
    3. Sem V
    4. Sem VII
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
    3. Sem VI
    4. Sem VIII
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
    3. Sem V
    4. Sem VII
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
    3. Sem VI
    4. Sem VIII
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination
M.Tech (PG) & Ph.D.
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination


B.Tech (UG)
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
    3. Sem V
    4. Sem VII
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
    3. Sem VI
    4. Sem VIII
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
    3. Sem V
    4. Sem VII
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
    3. Sem VI
    4. Sem VIII
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination
M.Tech (PG) & Ph.D.
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination


B.Tech (UG)
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
    3. Sem V
    4. Sem VII
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
    3. Sem VI
    4. Sem VIII
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
    3. Sem V
    4. Sem VII
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
    3. Sem VI
    4. Sem VIII
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination
M.Tech (PG) & Ph.D.
  • ODD Semesters
    1. Sem I
    2. Sem III
  • EVEN Semesters
    1. Sem II
    2. Sem IV
  • Re-examination & Previous semester examination


We are committed to be recognized as an institution that is a pace setter for following the examination calendar, declaring results in time and also committed to expanding the horizon and inspiring young minds towards academic excellence.

Best Practices Adopted in Examination Section

Examination Calendar is reviewed and prepared before the start of the semester uploaded on website and followed scrupulously.

Every year an annual report is prepared by Examination Committee.

A Handbook of examination section is prepared providing guidelines for smooth functioning of examination section.

Test1, Test2, End Semester, Re-Examination and Previous Semester Examination Time table is uploaded on website as per the exam calendar.

Appointment letters to Internal and External examiners as per the Panel list received from Head of the Department at the start of every semester.

Submission of synoptic along with manuscripts by Examiner guide in examination section.

Display of Gazettes on Notice Board as per the dates mentioned in Exam Calendar.

Provisional Passing Certificate along with grade sheet is issued to B.Tech. and M.Tech. students.

Transparency in Examination Section by showing Assessed answer books with synoptic to students.

Specific dates allotted for showing of assessed answer books with synoptic.

Audit of Exam procedure, Question paper, Answer books by expert faculty from other Institute.

Re-Examination for students every semester.

Degree Certificates distribution is designed as per the University of Mumbai schedule.

A Grievance Re Dressal Committee is formed by the Chairman of the Examination Committee to look into Malpractices / Unfair Means during examinations as per Maharashtra Act 1982.

Examination Staff

Email-ID: exam@spce.ac.in
Contact No. 022-26239270 (Extn: 268/217)

Mr. Darasing H. Pawar
Senior Clerk

Mr. Anant Mane
Clerk cum data entry operator
(For Civil Engg. Dept.)

Mrs. Chaitrali Magar
Clerk cum data entry operator
(For Electrical Engg. Dept.)

Ms. Akshata Ralkar
Clerk cum data entry operator
(For Mechanical Engg. Dept.)

Mr. Sushant Palsambkar

Mr. Hemant Kubal

Mr. Jayesh Waghela

Grievance Redressal Committee

The Grievance Redressal committee (Examination) is reconstituted with effect from Wednesday the 21st September, 2022.

Sr. No. Name of Member Portfolio Affiliation
1 Ms. Vidyulata Joshi Chairman Associate Professor, Electrical Dept.
2 Dr. R. S. Maurya Member Secretary Head, Mechanical Engg. Dept.
3 Dr. Shyamlee Solanki Member Head, First Year Dept.
4 Dr. A. N. Ghadge Member Assistant Professor, Civil Engg. Dept.
5 Prof. G.T. Haldankar External Member Assi. Professor, Dept. of Electronics Engg. SPIT.
6 Prof. Prajakta Joshi Member Assi. Professor, Electrical Engg. Dept.

Office Order: PO/2022/86
Related Documents: University of Mumbai Guidelines regarding Grievance Redressal

Examination Committee

Sr. No. Name of Member Affiliation Role in the Committee
1 Dr. M. M. Murudi I/c Principal, SPCE Chairperson
2 Dr. Anupa Sabnis Professor, Electrical Engineering, Dean (Academics & Quality Assurance), SPCE Member Secretary
3 Prof. Satishkumar Barot Assistant Professor Mathematics, SPCE Controller of Examinations
4 Dr. Pooja Raundale Director, Board of Examination & Evaluation, University of Mumbai Nominee of Mumbai University
5 Prof. Divya T. A. Assistant Professor Physics, SPCE Department Controller (First Year)
6 Dr. Ms. Kshitija Nadgouda Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, SPCE Department Controller (Civil Engg.)
7 Prof. Sumbul Abidi Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, SPCE Department Controller (Electrical Engg.)
8 Dr. Megha Nagrale Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, SPCE Department Controller (Mechanical Engg.)
9 Prof. P. M. Karande Asso. Professor, Mechanical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai External Member
10 Dr. Sachin Mastud Asso. Professor, Mechanical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai External Member
11 Prof. Ashish Apte Controller of Examination, Mukesh Patel School of Tech. Management & Engg. External Member

List of Examinations Conducted for Odd and Even Semester

(Semester I, III, V, VII)
T1 T2 Term-Work Practical Oral Lab Work End Sem Re Exam Projects & Dissertation





(Semester II, IV, VI, VIII)
T1 T2 Term-Work Practical Oral Lab Work End Sem Re-Exam Projects & Dissertation





As Per University

As Per University

Grading System

Numerical Equivalent (GP)

Letter Grade S A B C D E F
Numerical Equivalent (GP) 10 9 8 7 6 5 0

The performance of student in a semester is indicated by a number called the semester performance index (SPI). The SPI is weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses taken by the student during the semester. It is calculated as follows:


  • n=Number of courses in semester.
  • Ci=The credit allotted to ith course of current semester
  • GPi=Grade point of ith course secured by the student in current semester


The overall performance of the student is indicated by a number called the cumulative performance index (CPI). CPI is calculated as follows:


  • m= Number of current semester.
  • Cij= Credit of jth course in ith semester
  • GPij= Grade point of jth course in ith semester secured by the student


SPI is calculated, every semester based on the course completed.

Similarly, CPI is calculated based on all the courses completed till that semester.

There is no provision of Conversion of CPI into Percentage of marks.

However, for your purpose you may treat the equivalent given by AICTE as reference.

Grade Point 9.75 9.25 8.75 8.25 7.75 7.25 6.75 6.25
Equivalent Percentage 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55%

Examination Fees

Class Fee Amount
F.Y.B.TECH 2250/-
S.Y.B.TECH 2250/-
T.Y.B.TECH 2250/-
B.TECH 3000/-
Ph.D 6000/-

Other Fees

Sr. No.ParticularsAmount
1Exam Forms50/-
2College Exam Grade Sheet Charges200/-
3Form for Re-Examination20/-
4Re – Examination Fees for Odd and Even Semester1500/-
5Provisional Passing Certificate250/-
6Duplicate Grade Sheet500/- per Grade sheet
7Duplicate Admit Card250/-
8Percentage Conversion Certificate400/-
9Transcript Charges2000/- (Additional 01 set Rs.300/-)
10Verification Charges
10.1 - Within Past 3 years1000/-
10.2 - Within 4 to 10 years1500/-
10.3 - Within 10 to 20 years2000/-
10.4 - Prior 20 Years3000/-
11Special Certificate250/-

Examination Rules

Time Table

  1. Revaluation Notice for UG F.Y.B.Tech Sem-I & Working Professional Sem-III Re-Examination 2025
  2. Timetable for F.Y.B.Tech to B.Tech & F.Y.M.Tech Test-I Examination February 2025
  3. Timetable for Working Professional S.Y.B.Tech (DSY) Test-I Even Sem-IV February 2025
  4. Timetable for F.Y.M.Tech (Sem-I) Re-Examination & PSE February 2025
  5. Timetable for F.Y.B.Tech Re-Examination and PSE (Sem-I) February 2025
  6. Timetable for Working Professionals S.Y.B.Tech (DSY) Re-Examination Odd Sem Feb 2025
  7. Notice for Re-examination UG & PG Sem-I & WP Sem-III
  8. Notice for Revaluation 2024-2025
  9. View More Notifications

Contact Us

E-Mail :- controllerexam@spce.ac.in.

Phone Number :- 022-26239270
Extension :- 206 and 217.


CIVIL ENGINEERINGI61.3343.0061.0078.6968.7556.7270.5948.4848.4841.4380.82
MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGI76.1263.0082.8181.5467.7481.9777.2757.5766.1556.7672.22
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGI80.0060.0069.0074.2479.3761.0267.7460.3245.4542.6571.83
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTI--100.0094.00100.00100.0094.4482.35100.0083.3365.0095.00
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGI86.0079.0089.0089.0094.4494.4494.4494.4461.1189.4795.00
MACHINE DESIGNI--50.0073.0066.6783.3362.5072.2235.2988.8991.66100.00
THERMAL ENGINEERINGI10069.0050.0088.8983.3377.7893.3385.7183.3380.0072.73
POWER ELECTRONICS & POWER SYSTEMI--------83.3361.1169.2383.33100.0081.8293.75
Sardar Patel College Of Engineering © 2016 All rights reserved.