The institute has provided state of the art and well maintained IT Infrastructure to students and faculty members. This includes an advanced server with SAN storage, computer labs with efficient computing infrastructure on different platforms, gigabyte LAN, Wi Fi facilities, all required and advanced legal system and application softwares, CCTV surveillance facilities, biometric attendance system, etc. Due to this state of the art IT Infrastructure, institute campus is the technologically adept campus.
Usage Policy for Institute E-mail System
Usage Policy for Wireless LAN
Mail Server and Client
The E-mail facility is managed through Google which provides us web based email client and other Google apps such as Google Classroom, Google-meet, Google sites, etc. All the students, faculty and staff members are provided with e-mail ID on domain.
The institute has procured dedicated leased lines with aggregate bandwidth of 210 Mbps. The library hosts an internet browsing center which is open to students during all working hours and even beyond office hours in order to have access to information available on internet as when required.
DSPACE (Digital Repository)
All important administration documents are available and hosted in digital format on a server named as DSPACE. This is a digital repository of all documents. This facilitates centralized data storage accessible from institution intranet.
NPTEL Server
It is also proposed to have additional lab with Thin Client Configuration for students to have seamless connectivity with NPTEL Server. The NPTEL Videos are hosted on a dedicated server to facilitate learning.
Software Packages
All the necessary academic and office software packages such as MATLAB, Simulink, CATIA, Ansys, AutoCAD, MS Office Suite, MS Project, etc.
Apropos to mandatory requirements of AICTE, college has informative website: The information on website is regularly updated. Students, faculty members and all stakeholders access website regularly. Apart from statutory information, website also hosts useful academic resources for students, such as exam papers, scheme and syllabus, , academic schedule, exam schedule, etc.
Contact Us
E-Mail :- Number :- 022-26239270
Extension :- 206 and 217.
Computing Equipments
There are more than 200 High End personal computers connected over the campus LAN under some of the latest Network Operating Systems running on some of the latest Xeon based Rack Servers. A very high capacity Network Storage facility integrated with an automated data backup and recovery system caters to the data storage requirement of all the users. Every faculty member, every lab and almost every staff member is provided with a printer. There are sufficient numbers of LCD projectors and high quality scanners to facilitate teaching learning process. Every student and faculty member has a high end networked personal computer or laptop at his or her disposal.
Wi-Fi Facility
The Institute main building and the hostel are provided with the Wi-Fi facilities. All the internet traffic is monitored through a SonicWall Firewall. A storage server with VPN based access and username password based authentication is also in place.
The institute also has gigabyte LAN with fibre optics backbone having around 400 nodes connected onto it. All the computer laboratories are on this institute wide LAN. There are more than 30 high end manageable network switches which handle the internal data traffic. The computing facilities are available on different platforms, such as MS Windows and LINUX. The campus network is supported by 2 high speed servers with SAN Storage.
CCTV Surveillance
The institute has also implemented campus wide CCTV Surveillance system for safety and security of all the stakeholders and property. This CCTV installation in our premises follows all the statutory guidelines to protect privacy of individuals.
Biometric Attendance System
The attendance of all faculty members and staff is maintained in a iris based biometric attendance system.
Digital Smart Board
Total 12 numbers of Class rooms of the SPCE are equipped with Samsung’s Digital smart Boards to enhance and make teaching and learning process easy.
These digital smart boards provides a smooth Pen to Paper like writing experience in variety of colour, style and width. Brush mode allow to create art at the stroke of a brush in water and oil painting, flexible erasing with finger or palm.
Digital boards provides teachers with smooth and familiar pen to paper writing experience. It expands creativity without sacrificing comfort. With the two different painting modes, water and oil painting, it enables enhanced realistic expressions and more details art work.
Other advantages of Smart classes with the Samsung Digital Boards are:
- It improves classroom management
- Minimise the need for eyes on the back of one’s head
- Provide academic and digital learning
- Multiple choice tests
- Waking up students with smart technology
- Flexible image editing
- Instant writing after capturing sources
- Simple usability
- Presentation is effortless
- Comprehensive connectivity with computer support
- Precise visuals with powerful operations
- Large audience sharing
- Various inputs and easy sharing
- Extended usability
IT Infrastructure Committee
In order to manage this IT Infrastructure, institute has also constituted a IT Infrastructure Management Committee.
SR. NO. MEMBERS AFFILIATION ROLE IN THE COMMITTEE 1 Mr. S. J. Sawant Librarian Chairperson 2 Prof. Kunal Bhavsar Workshop Supdt., Mech. Engg. Dept. Member 3 Prof. Ms. Prajakta Joshi Asst. Prof. Elect. Engg. Dept. Member 4 Prof. Snehjit Kumbhar Asst. Professor, Civil Engg. Dept Member 5 Prof. Vinod Sharma Asst. Prof. F. Y. Dept. Member 6 Mr. Ashish Jaiswal System Administrator Member Secretary