Civil Engineering Department

About Us

The Civil engineering department has been in existence since the establishment of this institute. The department has an excellent infrastructure and is AICTE approved and accredited by the national board of accreditation. It is traditionally broken into several sub-sections including Environmental Engineering, Geo technical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Materials Engineering, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Surveying, and Construction Engineering.

Apart from the undergraduate course, postgraduate courses offered in construction management and structural engineering. The department is approved by university of Mumbai for the Ph. D. program with an intake capacity of 45. About 30 number of student are pursuing Doctoral program.

In addition, the department is selected as a QIP Center by the AICTE. Under this scheme department can register two full time research scholar per year and AICTE will provide full financial assistant-ship for three years. Also, department is actively involved in conduction of number of short term courses in the area of Civil Engineering.


Activity Reports

Dynamic Lab

This Dynamics laboratory is an important laboratory in the Department, which will help students to develop better understanding of the dynamic characteristics of structures and structural members. Related research and education are focused on vibration, structural dynamics and protection of structural systems from earthquake hazards through use of different devices. This laboratory will also help in instrumentation and monitoring of large-scale structures for serviceability evaluation including monitoring of ambient vibration.

Facilities available: Shake Table with 1 Ton capacity Electro-dynamic shaker, Vibration sensors, Four channel charge amplifier, ‘OROS’ 8 channel vibration recorder and analyzer, ‘System 7000’ 24 channel data acquisition system for dynamic strain and deflection measurements, long distance laser based static and dynamic displacement measuring system etc.

Lab In charge: Dr. M. M. Murudi

Area: 85.71 M2

List of Experiments:
1. Natural frequency measurements of different models
2. Study of mode shapes of different models
3. Shake table experiments
4. Damping of different materials

Engineering Mechanics

alt : Engineering Mechanics

Concrete Technology

For buildings and civil engineering structures of all kinds, concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. This laboratory is meant for students to learn techniques in preparation of concrete, studying its ingredients and properties. This laboratory also offers solutions to construction industry in the areas of concrete technology and Non Destructive Testing for quality related issues.

Facilities available: 200 T Compression Testing Machine, 200T Automatic compression Testing Machine, Mortar mixing machine, Mortar vibrators, Flow table, Vicat apparatus, VB compacting machine, Weighing balances, Curing tank, Table vibrator, Accelerated curing Tank, UPV measuring instrument, Digital Test Hammers etc.

Lab. In-charge : Prof. A.A.Bage
Area: 69.99 M2

List of Experiments:
1. Physical Properties of Cement
2. Properties of Fine and Coarse aggregates
3. Effect of water cement ratio on workability of concrete
4. Effect of water cement ratio on strength of concrete
5. Split tensile strength of concrete cylinder
6. Flexural strength of hardened concrete
7. Effect of admixtures on concrete
8. Mix design of concrete
9. NDT Rebound Hammer test

Environmental Engineering Lab

The primary objective of this lab is to demonstrate environmental engineering testing procedures for the subjects of Environmental Engineering I and II and for the electives such as solid waste management and Industrial waste water treatment. This lab is continuously upgraded with the latest environmental equipments. It covers the four major pollution areas: air, wastewater and water and solid waste management. Students contribute through various undergraduate and postgraduate projects in the lab. Various models of water filtration and aeration tanks are available in the lab.

Facilities available:
Various equipment to measure air, water, soil and wastewater quality and analysis are available in the laboratory. Some of them are as follows:

AAS (Shimadzu) UV Vis Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu) COD Reactors (Hach)
Noise Level Meters Turbidimeter (Hach) Jar test Apparatus (Amit Enterprise)
Personal samplers(Simplex) High volume sampler(Poltech) Stack sampling (Poltech)
DO/pH Probe(Hach) pH meter DI water Unit (Millipore)
Visible Spectrophotometer

Laboratory Incharge :
(i) Dr. Hansa Jeswani
(ii) Prof. Snehajit Kumbhar

 List of Experiments
Environmental Engineering I
1. Determination of pH in water.
2. Determination of Hardness of water.
3. Determination of Turbidity of water.
4. Determination of Optimum dose of coagulant by using Jar Test Apparatus.
5. Determination of Residual chlorine from water
6. Determination of Most probable number
7. Solid waste: Determination of pH
8. Solid waste: Determination of moisture content
9. Solid Waste : Organic content of solid waste
10. Measurement of Noise Level
Environmental Engineering II
Wastewater experiments
1. Determination of pH of sewage
2. Determination of Chlorides
3. Solids: Suspended solids, dissolved solids, total solids, volatile solids
4. Determination of Dissolved oxygen
5. Determination of Chemical oxygen demand(COD) of sewage sample
6. Determination of Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) of sewage sample
7. To find Sludge volume index (SVI) of sewage sample
8. To find Sulfate in wastewater sample
Air Pollution Experiments
1. Air : To find PM 10 and PM 2.5 in ambient air
2. Air : To find NOx and SOx level in ambient air

Geotechnical Lab

Geotechnical engineering is an area of civil engineering concerned with the rock and soil that civil engineering systems are supported by Knowledge from the fields of geology, material science and testing, mechanics, and hydraulics are applied by geotechnical engineers to safely and economically design foundations, retaining walls, and similar structures.

Geotechnical engineering Laboratory is one of the pioneer laboratories in Maharashtra for all Geo-technical testing and consultancy works. Various works related to Geo-technical and foundation investigations are carried out in this laboratory. This laboratory can be very useful for experiments related to soil for pavement subgrade, subbase etc. Following are the major equipment available in this laboratory.

Facilities available:
(i) Triaxial Test Equipment
(ii) Load Actuator
(iii) Consolidation test set up
(iv) Rock Cutting Machine

Laboratory Incharge :
(i) Prof. Prajakta Mukadam

(ii) Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda

Hydraulics and Fluid Mech Lab

Hydraulic Engineering is the application of fluid mechanics principles to problems dealing with the collection, storage, control, transport, regulation, measurement and use of water. The hydraulic engineer actually develops conceptual design for the various features which interact with water such as spillways and outlet works for the dams, culverts for highways, canals and related structures for irrigation projects, and cooling water facilities for the thermal power plants. Hydraulic engineering as a sub-discipline of Civil Engineering is concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. Civil Engineers play a vital role in the optimal planning, design and operation of water resources systems. Keeping the applications of hydraulic engineering in mind the laboratory is setup. The Primary objective of this laboratory is to demonstrate Hydraulics Engineering related testing procedures for the courses of Fluid mechanics, Hydraulics Engineering-I & II.

Laboratory Incharge :
(i) Dr. A. R. Kambekar
(ii) Dr. S.J. Kumbhar

Lab asst.
(i) Shri. Nagin Solanki

List of Experiments

HYDRAULIC Engineering-I & II:

List of experiment (At least six to be performed )
1) Reynolds experiment
2) Friction loss through pipe
3) Laminar flow through pipe
4) Minor losses
5) Impact of jet
6) Performance of centrifugal pump
7) Performance of pelton wheel
8) Performance of Francis turbine
9) Hydraulic ram.
10) Chezys constant
11) Study of gradually varied flow
12) Hydraulic jump
13) Venturiflume, standing wave flume
14) Velocity distribution in circular pipe
15) Establishment of flow
16) Boundary layer
17) Study in wind tunnel

Strength of Material and Material Testing

Strength of materials is the physical science that looks at the behaviour of a body to movement and deformation due to mechanical, thermal and other loads. Materials testing and materials characterization can help to determine the best material for our application. This strength of materials and material testing laboratory offers facilities for testing building materials for their strength, behavior and suitability for various applications.

Facilities available :

100 T Universal Testing Machine, 40T Universal Testing Machine, Impact Testing machine, Hardness testing machines, Torsion testing machine, Abrasion testing machine, Temperature controlled Oven, 40 T Capacity loading frame, 30T capacity hydraulic jack, 30 channel strain measuring equipment, Deflection measuring and crack width measuring sensors, EL sensors for tilt measurement, Dial gauges, Proving rings etc.

Lab. In-charge : Dr. A. A.Bage
Area: 150.4 M2

List of Experiments:
Strength of Materials:
1. Tension Test in mild steel, HYSD bars and TOR steel
2. Shear test on mild steel, copper and Brass samples
3. Hardness Test on mild steel, copper and Brass samples
4. Torsion test on mild steel and cast iron samples
5. Flexure test on cast iron and steel samples
6. Deflection test on beams of different materials
7. Impact Test (Charpy)
8. Impact Test (Izod)


Surveying has existed throughout much of our history. In ancient Egypt, when the Nile River overflowed its banks and washed out farm boundaries, the boundaries were recreated by surveyors using simple geometry. The construction of many of the pyramids, including the Great Pyramids of Giza, built c. 2700 BC, show us that the Egyptians' have always used surveying very efficiently. It has been very important in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history and it is a requirement planning of nearly every form of construction. It’s most common uses are in the fields of transport, building and construction, communications, mapping, and the making of legal boundaries for land ownership. Surveying is the technique and science of accurately finding out the position of points and the distances and angles between them. A person who does the surveying is called a surveyor. In order to find the information they need, surveyors use geometry, engineering, trigonometry, mathematics, physics, and law.

The tools used by surveyors have evolved tremendously. Engineering, especially civil engineering, depends heavily on surveyors. Whenever there are roads, railways, reservoir, dams, pipeline transports retaining walls, bridges or residential areas to be built, surveyors are involved. They establish the boundaries of legal descriptions and the boundaries of various lines of political divisions. They also provide advice and data for geographical information systems (GIS), computer databases that contain data on land features and boundaries. In addition, they must be able to use delicate instruments with accuracy and precision.

With respect to above importance of surveying in construction field, our survey lab is kept well equipped with latest instruments. This particular instrument can be used for conducting survey project of road, railway, bridges or buildings.

  1. I) Facility Available:
    Total station
    • 20" theodolite
    • Auto level
    • Dumpy level
  2. II) Laboratory Incharge:
    Dr. A.N.Ghadge
  3. II) Lab Assistant:
    Shri. Prakash Pujari

List of Practical

Surveying I

  1. Chaining , ranging and offsetting
  2. To find internal angles of a polygon with a prismatic and a surveyor compass.
  3. Level simple and compound leveling, booking methods, practice on levels Dumpy, Tilting and Auto levels.
  4. Measurement of Horizontal angles by Repetition method
  5. Measurement of Horizontal angles by Reiteration method
  6. Measurement of Bearing of line using theodolite
  7. Measurement of vertical angle using theodolite
  8. Use of digital planimeter for measuring area of irregular figures
  9. Plane table survey by Radiation method

Surveying II

  1. Determination of Tacheometric constants.
  2. Height and distance calculation using tacheometric formulae.
  3. To set out circular curves by linear method ( offset from tangent and from long chord)
  4. To set out circular curve by angular method ( Rankine’s and two theodolite method)
  5. Determination of RL and horizontal distance of object by one plane method.
  6. Determination of RL and horizontal distance by of object by two plane method.
  7. Setting out a simple foundation plan in the field
  8. Study of modern surveying instruments

Project Work

Surveying - I

  1. Locating a structure by theodolite traversing & plane table traversing

Surveying - II

  1. Profile levelling & cross-section levelling for 1Km alignment
  2. Block contouring
  3. Tacheometric surveying

Transportation Lab

Transportation engineering is the application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, efficient, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods transport. It is a sub-discipline of civil engineering. Transportation engineering is a major component of the civil engineering.

The planning aspects of transport engineering relate to urban planning, and involve technical forecasting decisions and political factors. Technical forecasting of passenger travel usually involves an urban transportation planning model, requiring the estimation of trip generation (how many trips for what purpose), trip distribution (destination choice, where is the traveler going), and route assignment (which streets or routes are being used).

Transportation engineering, as practiced by civil engineers, primarily involves planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of transportation facilities. The facilities support air, highway, railroad, pipeline, water, and even space transportation. The design aspects of transport engineering include the sizing of transportation facilities (how many lanes or how much capacity the facility has), determining the materials and thickness used in pavement designing the geometry (vertical and horizontal alignment) of the roadway (or track).

Operations and management involve traffic engineering, so that vehicles move smoothly on the road or track. Older techniques include signs, signals, markings, and tolling. Newer technologies involve intelligent transportation systems, including advanced traveler information systems (such as variable message signs), advanced traffic control systems (such as ramp meters), and vehicle infrastructure integration. Human factors are an aspect of transport engineering, particularly concerning driver-vehicle interface and user interface of road signs, signals, and markings.

Major equipments and software’s available:
All major equipment related with highway material testing is available in this laboratory. Some of the essential equipment for highway material testing available in this laboratory are as follows:

  1. Aggregate Impact testing machine
  2. Los Angeles Abrasion machine
  3. Sieves and Sieve Shaker
  4. Aggregate Crushing Machine
  5. Bitumen extraction machine
  6. Marshall Stability apparatus
  7. Ductility machine
  8. Ring and Ball apparatus
  9. Penetrometer
  10. Hot air Oven
  11. Benkelman beam
  12. Bitumen Stripping apparatus
  13. Bitumen Heating apparatus
  14. Equipment for measuring density and Unit weight of aggregate
  15. Water bath
  16. Surface moisture density Gauge
  17. Portable falling weight deflectometer
  18. Laboratory CBR apparatus
  19. Wheel Barrow
  20. Triaxial Testing Machine

Software available in the Department
* TRANSCAD – Transport Planing software in GIS
* CUBE VOYGER – Transport Planing
* MX ROAD – Highway Geometric Design
* SATURN Modeling Suite – Traffic Simulation and Assignment
* HDM – 4 – Highway Development, Maintenance Management and Economic Analysis.
* TRANSYT – 7 – Signal Design and Co-ordination.
* Civil Cad with Road

Laboratory Incharge :
(i) Dr. P. P. Nagrale

Lab asst.
(i) Prakash Pujari
(ii) Popat Bhangre

List of Experiments:
Test on Aggregate
1.Shape test
2. Impact test
3. Abrasion test
4. Crushing test

List of Practical:

  1. Determination of aggregate Impact value
  2. Determination of los Angeles Abrasion value
  3. Determination of fineness modulus of coarse aggregate & fine aggregate
  4. Determination of aggregate crushing value
  5. Soundness test on aggregate
  6. Determination of specific gravity & water absorption
  7. Determination of Flakiness Index
  8. Determination of Elongation Index
  9. Stripping test on aggregate
  10. Extraction of bitumen using centrifuge extractor
  11. Ductility Test on Bitumen
  12. Determination of penetration value of bitumen
  13. Softening point test on Bitumen
  14. Viscosity test on Bitumen material
  15. Bituminous mix design by marshal stability method
  16. Design of overlay using Benkelman Beam

Test on Bitumen
1. Penetration test
2. Ductility test
3. Softening point test
4. Viscosity test

Test on Bitumenous mix
1. Marshal stability test

Computer Centre

Facilities available:

Number of Computer Terminals: 80 Computers in computer centre
Number of Terminals on LAN/WAN: 80
Supporting Software: Windows NT, Windows 98, MS office 2000. Institute has ordered various other softwares under recent modernization program.
Peripherals: Each computer is supplied with mouse, Key boards and other necessary accessories. Other peripherals are: CD writers 2, Printers – 8, Laser printer 1

Laboratory In charge:

(i) Dr. Hansa Jeswani
(ii) Prof. Snehajit Kumbhar

Lab Assistant

(i) Prakash Pujari

Engineering Geology Lab

The Engineering Geology lab is a significant laboratory in the Department of Civil. The main objective of this lab is to make aware the students about the different geological processes and agents modifying the earth’s surface, mineralogical and petrological characteristics of the rocks, Geological history of therocks through the different Rock types and Geological Models available in the laboratory. In turn it will help students to understand the geological considerations while selecting sites for dams, reservoirs, tunnels and other civil structures.

Facilities available

Various types of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks, different kinds of Mineral hand specimens, Ore Minerals, Mohs Scale of Hardness to measure the hardness of the Minerals, Varieties of Geological Structure models.

List of Experiments:

  1. Study of physical properties of the minerals
  2. Megascopic identification of rock forming minerals
  3. Megascopic identification of ore forming minerals
  4. Megascopic identification of Igneous rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks
  5. Study of Structural geological maps
  6. Study of core samples, percentage recovery, RQD, core logging and engineering problem based on field data collected during site investigation.

GeoInformatics Laboratory

T.Y.BTECH - V Semester


Laboratory Incharge : Dr. R.R.Phule-Raskar

  1. Understanding installation of GIS software: GRAM++ and ArcGIS and getting familiarized with GIS menu and Tools.
  2. Map Projections and Map digitization.
  3. Georeferencing.
  4. Creating Vector and Creating Raster data / data layers.
  5. Creating attribute table.
  6. Measurements; length and area.
  7. Data viewing based on Single Symbol, Graduated Symbol.
  8. Data viewing on Continuous color and unique value.
  9. Labeling the features.
  10. Selection tool and Geo-processing tool (Buffer, Clip, intersect and difference).
  11. Coordinate capture – to save in notepad.
  12. Joining layers based on common field.
  13. Data conversion (raster to vector), polygon to polyline.
  14. Add Graphic overlay to a vector layer.
  15. Import and export data and Map Layout.

Project Work:

  1. Planning and designing of a model town / city by using AutoCad and/ or GIS software - The project will be carried out in groups. Each group should have maximum five students. The students should submit the final report with the master plan of the model town/city.
  1. Visit to a village or small town - The project will be carried out in groups. Each group should have minimum five and maximum ten students. The students should Identify the problem faced by the villagers pertaining to various sectors or existing schemes; define the need, method, tools and techniques for development; deliver technology based solution. The students should submit the final report based on the work.

Equipments Purchased (under TEQIP)

Sr. No. Name of the Equipment Important Technical specifications Equipment useful for Photograph
1 GRAM++ Software GRAM++ Software GIS and RS Lab GRAM++ Software
2 Shredder seed Money Shredder seed Money CED Shredder seed Money
3 up gradation of Arc-GIS (Nov 2016) up gradation of Arc-GIS (Nov 2016) GIS and RS Lab up gradation of Arc-GIS (Nov 2016)
4 Ductility Testing Apparatus Water bath of 10 Liter capacity with a perforated shelf for a thermostat controller for heater.  Standard rate of travel of 1  cm per minute and 5 cm per  min Carry out the ductility tests on bitumenous materials
5 Portable Skid Ressitance tester portable device with std. specification Scientific measurement of slip or skid potential of any surface.
6 Electronic Balance (PO No. 162) Least count of 5 mg; capacity 25 kg Measuring instrumentfor determining theweightormassof an object.
7 PRIMAVERA Software (10 User licences) Primavera P6 EPPM, upgrade Release 8.2 dashboards for monitoring and analyzing performance data, including geospatial analysis measure progress, assure governance, improve team collaboration and prioritize project investments and resources.
8 MS PROJECT Softeware (10 User licences) IA-32 x64 .NET Framework 3.5 or later Microsoft Project can be used in a variety of industries including construction, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, government, retail, financial services and health care.
9 Triaxial Testing Apparatus for Rocks with Hoek cell and other accessories Axial Loading Machine (Compression Machine), Capactiy-2000kN, High Pressure Triaxial Cell, High Pressure Controller (Dead weight type), Microprocessor based Electronic Digital Display unit with Software Triaxial load test on rocks
10 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Testing Apparatus Motorised Load Frame of 50kN Capacity, A mould of 150 mm x 175 mm high with clamping lugs with extension collar and perforated base plate made of Mild Steel, Cutting collar, Penetration piston of 50 mm diameter, Circular spacing disc, Surcharge weights, Proving Right and dial guage, Rammers – 2.6 kg and 4.89 kg Determine CBR of soil to estimate suitability of soil as subgrade material for pavements
11 Sieve Shaker Inclined sieve table for seven sieves of 150 mm or 200 mm diameter, Adjustable top clamping platge to hold sieves gyratory motion in addition to tapping action wired for – 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase supply To determine grain size distribution of soil
12 Automatic soil compactor Diameter of the rammer – 50mm, Weight of the rammer – 2.60 kg for light compaction and 4.89 for heavy compaction, Height of fall of rammer – 310 mm & 450 mm wired for – 200 volts, single Phase, 50 Hz supply To conduct Standard and Modified  Proctor test for determining optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of soil
13 Oasys Frew and Greta -Software Perpetual Single user Standalone licensesof Oasys Frew and Greta To analyze and design gravity retaining walls and flexible sheet pile walls
14 Noise level meter Noise level meter 30 to 130 dB in 5 To measure sound pressure level & studies for quantification of different kinds of noise from different sources
15 Visible Spectro- photometer Visible Spectro- photometer  7nm Single beam diode  array Measurement of transmittance or reflectance of solutions.
16 DO/pH Probe DO/pH Probe 0 to 18 mg/L with least count of 0.1mg/L to determine if pH solution is acidic or basic
17 DI water unit automated ozone injection system with •Integrated oxygen generator,•Onboard PLC controller and •Integrated skid water purification technology
18 Closed reflux COD reactor Temperature – 150 0C, time – 2hrs with automatic timer and the vials included Indirectly measure the amount oforganic compoundsinwater.
19 Software ArcGIS: ArcGIS MASTER lab kit, 3 USERS creating and using maps; compiling geographic data; analyzing mapped information; sharing and discovering geographic information; using maps and geographic information in a range of applications
20 Electronic Balance Least count of 0.1 mg Digital display 01 100000.00 Measuring instrumentfor determining theweightormassof an object.
21 Global Water Educational Software 1.SewerCAD -1 2.WaterCAD-1 To plan, design, and analyze their wastewater collection systems.
22 Desktop Computers (Quantity 15) Intel core i 5 Gen 3470 processor, 4 GB PC3 10600 1333 Mhz SDRAM, 500 GB HDD/ DVD W,18.5 Monitor Handling software’s & departmental activities for post graduate students
23 Computers (Quantity 56) Intel core i 7 chipset intel Q 67 chipset 8 GB DDR3 SD RAM at 1333 MHZ high end video & sound card ,500 GB HDD/ DVD +/- RW Monitor 19 inch wide, USB optimal mouse. Handling software’s & departmental activities for post graduate students
24 Colour Printers (Quantity 06) DeskJet printout purpose
25 Servo hydraulic shake table Capacity of table : 1Tonne Table acceleration : 1g Research projects for PG students


To be a pioneering Civil Engineering Department with Regional, National and Global perspective.


  • To impart knowledge in Civil Engineering and allied fields to fulfill the present and future societal and industrial needs.
  • To produce technically competent and socially responsible Civil Engineering professionals.
  • Research Supervisors approved by University of Mumbai

    Sr. No. Ph.D. Guides Initials Areas of Research
    1 Dr. M. M. Murudi MMM Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
    2 Dr. P. P. Nagrale PPN Transportation Engineering
    3 Dr. A. A. Bage AAB Structural Engineering
    4 Dr. A.R. Kambekar ARK Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering
    5 Dr. S. Hariharan SH Construction Management (Adjunct Faculty)
    6 Dr. S. K. Ukarande SKU Water Resources Engineering (Adjunct Faculty)
    7 Dr. P.G. Gaikawad PGG Construction Management and Environmental Engineering
    8 Dr. Hansa Jeswani HSJ Environmental Engineering
    9 Dr. A.N.Ghadge ANG Environmental Engineering

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2011-12

    Sr. No. Name of The Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the Thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 S. Hariharan 30/3/ 2010 30/03/2010
    Reg.No. : 25
    Development of Risk mitigation Measures in Infrastructure Projects P.H. Sawant Awarded
    2 Arun Kumar Mishra - -
    Reg.No. :-
    - Dr. P. Shrivastava Awarded
    3 Rajesh Kherde 15/04/2010 15/04/2010
    Reg.No. :26
    Studies on River Basin Flow Modeling Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Dr. P.H. Sawant Awarded
    4 D. K. Kanhare 2010 2010
    Reg.No. :31
    Global Analysis of Segmental / Meter Panels for Basements & Subways Dr. R A Hegde Submitted
    5 Godbole K. M. 23.08.2010 23.08.2010
    Reg.No. 27
    Prediction of Reinforcement Corrosion in Under Water Concrete Structures. P.H. Sawant Awarded
    6 Shagufta Sayyed 02/08/2011 03-04-2012
    Reg.No. 34.
    Life Cycle Costing, Planning, Execution and Maintenance Of Green Components in Green Complex in Urban India. P.H. Sawant Awarded
    7 N. L. Shelke 09/08/2011 29/05/2012
    Reg.No. 35
    Short term and Long term performance of concrete by accelerated curing. Sangeeta Gadve Awarded
    8 J. P. Singh 28/4/2010 19/3/2010
    Reg. No. 23
    Study the Impact of Adverse Weather Conditions on Traffic Flow Characteristics Dr P.H. Sawant Awarded
    9 S. R. Katkar 16.08.2011 Reg.No. 38 16.08.2012 Probabilistic Analysis of Pavement Maintenance Predictions Using Markovian Models as a Decision Support System. Prashant P. Nagrale In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2012-13

    Sr. No. Name of tde Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of tde tdesis Name of tde Supervisor Remark
    1 Atlya Patil 26.07.2012 Tital Approved by University on 14.02.2013 Mechanistic Apparoach and its economics for Stabilised Flexible Pavements Prashant P. Nagrale In Progress
    2 Vilas Patil 26.07.2012 Tital Approved by University on 14.02.2013 Modeling of Noise due to Vehicular traffic in urban area for Interrupted traffic flow Prashant P. Nagrale In Progress
    3 Prasad Gharat 26.07.2012 Tital Approved by University on 01.03.2013 Optimum Parameters of Tuned Liquid Column damper for seismic Applications M. M. Muridi In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2013-14

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Shri. Manish A. Prithiani 09.10.2013 54/11.09.2014 Impact of Meteorological Parameters Affecting Coastal Construction for Mumbai Region Dr. A. R. Kambekar In Progress
    2 Shri. Vikas S. Jagtap 19.08.2013 50/17.07.2014 Evaluating Effectiveness of Quantitative Techniques as Decision Making Tools in complex Projects Dr. H. Subramanyam In Progress
    3 Shri. Neelkanth D. Joshi 19.08.2013 49/10.07.2014 Seismic Behaviour of Structures with Soft Storey Dr. M. M. Murudi In Progress
    4 Shri. Rakesh Kumar Chourasia 22.08.2013 51/08.08.2014 Investigation on Composite Panels used in Building Industry Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress
    5 Shri. Asif M. Ansari 19.08.2013 52/13.08.2014 - Dr. S. K. Ukarande In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2014-15

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Ms. Shilpalata S. Tekade 19.08.2014 60/16.12.2015 Empirical Relationships between fundamental vibration period & height of reinforced concrete building in India Dr. M. M. Murudi Completed
    2 Shri. Viren B. Chandanshive 13.08.2014 61/30.12.2015 Prediction of an Early Stage Construction Cost of Building Projects Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. Dr. A. R. Kambekar Completed
    3 Shri. Siddhesh V. Nikam 14.08.2014 58/21.11.2015 - Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress
    4 Shri. Vishal S. Jagtap 13.08.2014 57/17.11.2015 - Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress
    5 Ms. Reeza R. Shaikh 14.08.2014 70/17.01.2020 Impact of Climate Change on Power Generation in High Rise Structure Augmented with Wind Turbines Dr. A. R. Kambekar In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2016-17

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Ms. Roshni R. John 09.08.2016 66/26.10.2018 Influence of Pozzolonic Materials on the Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress
    2 Shri. Doulat M. Chainani 10.08.2016 - - Dr. P. P. Nagrale In Progress
    3 Shri. Jaydeep B. Chougale 09.08.2016 - - Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress
    4 Mrs. Deoyani S. Joshi 09.08.2016 - - Dr. Hansa Jeswani In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2017-18

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Ms. Bharati M. Jagdale 14.07.2017 68/19.07.2019 - Dr. P. P. Nagrale In Progress
    2 Ms. Shweta A. Patil 14.07.2017 69/19.07.2019 Flood Hazard Mapping and Floodplain Zoning Based on Hydrological Simulation Model Dr. A. R. Kambekar In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2018-19

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Mr. Prashant B. Kanawade 25.01.2019 - - Dr. P. G.Gaikwad In Progress
    2 Mr. Arpit S. Vyas 25.01.2019 - Investigation on Properties of Subgrade and Dense Bituminous Macadam Mixed with Plastic Waste Dr. A. N. Ghadge In Progress
    3 Shri. Pravinkumar S. Jagtap 25.01.2019 - - Dr. P. P. Nagrale In Progress
    4 Shri. Pritesh S. Bhana 25.01.2019 - - Dr. P. P. Nagrale In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2019-20

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Shri. Vinayak s. Bachal 29.07.2019 - - Dr. A. N. Ghadge In Progress
    2 Ms. Supriya S. More 30.07.2019 - - Dr. A. R. Kambekar In Progress
    3 Ms. Neelam N. Petkar 26.07.2019 - - Dr. M. M. Murudi In Progress
    4 Shri. Harshal M. Pathak 30.07.2019 - - Dr. A. R. Kambekar In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2020-21

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Mr. Umesh V. Jadhav 21.12.2020 - - Dr. A. N. Ghadge In Progress
    2 Mr. Ankit M. Asher 22.12.2020 - - Dr. M. M. Murudi In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2021-22

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Purushottam Ramkrishna Atkare 30.07.2021 - - Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress
    2 Vikrant Prakash Kothari 29.07.2021 - - Dr. P. P. Nagrale In Progress
    3 Shivam Bapusaheb Magar 30.07.2021 - - Dr. P. G.Gaikwad In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2022-23

    Sr. No. Name of the Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Ms. Shrutkirti Mahajan - - In Progress
    2 Mr. Sunil Yamgar - - Dr. A. A. Bage In Progress

    Supporting Staff

    Supporting Staff List

    1) Mr. Prakash S. Pujari, Curetor

    2) Mr. Popat S. Bhangare, Lab Attendant

    3) Miss. Priyanka Ambelkar, Clerk

    4) Mr. Ashish Kadam, Clerk & Lab Assistant

    5) Mr. Pravin Chavan, Lab Attendant

    6) Mr. Brajesh Dhuria, Lab Attendant

    7) Mr. Gopi Rajbar, Lab Attendant

    8) Mr. Ramesh Solanki, Lab Attendant

    Extra Curricular Activity

    Sr. No. Activity Date Department
    1 Brochure for FDP on "Appplications of GPS & Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering " Jan-2020 6th to 18th January 2020 Civil Department

    Program Outcomes (POs)

    Engineering Graduates will be able to:

    1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
    2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
    3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
    4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
    5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
    6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
    7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
    8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
    9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
    10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
    11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
    12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

    Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    Students graduating from the Civil Engineering Programme will:

    1. Have a successful career in Civil Engineering and allied fields.
    2. Possess the competency to investigate, analyze and provide solutions to Civil Engineering problems in the field.
    3. Practice their profession with ethics and be socially responsible

    Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

    Students graduating from the Civil Engineering Department will be able to:

    1. To simulate/analyse problems in civil engineering - structural, geotechnical, hydraulics and water resources, transportation, geoinformatics, building design materials & construction, construction civil engineering & management, civil engineering economics & estimation and environmental fields with the help of advanced tools & techniques in the respective laboratories.
    2. Formulate sustainable civil engineering solutions for challenges faced by society with innovative projects for bringing transformational changes in rural/urban development.

    M.Tech- Structural Engineering

    Programme Educational Objectives

    At the end of the programme, the post graduate student will be able

    1. To have successful career in structural engineering and allied fields.
    2. To possess the ability to analyze and solve problems related to structural engineering and allied fields.
    3. To practice structural engineering with an awareness of and commitment to ethics and social responsibility.

    Programme Outcomes

    The post graduates will have

    1. An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems
    2. An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document
    3. An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program
    4. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
    5. An ability to critically analyze complex engineering problems.
    6. Ability to update knowledge and competency with the changing technological advances.

    M.Tech- Construction Management

    Programme Educational Objectives

    At the end of the programme, the post graduate student will be able to

    1. Have a successful career in construction management and associated fields.
    2. Possess the competency to investigate, analyze and provide professional sustainable solutions in civil engineering field problems.
    3. Pursue advance research with specific focus on management skills.
    4. Practice this profession with ethics and social considerations.

    Programme Outcomes

    The post graduates will have

    1. An ability to independently carry out research / investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
    2. An ability to write and present a substantial technical report / document.
    3. An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
    4. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve construction project management issues and engineering problems.
    5. An ability to use the research skills, modern engineering and management tools for construction project management.
    6. An ability to recognise the need for and have preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

    Teaching Staff

    Regular Faculty

    1) DR. M. M. MURUDI

    Professor, I/C Principal
    Year of Joining : 1991
    Research Area : Structural dynamics Earthquake Engineering
    Concrete technology Repairs and Rehabilitation
    Email :
    Ext.: 230

    2) Dr. Prashant P. Nagrale

    & Co-ordinator QIP Centre
    M.Tech., Ph.D.
    Year of Joining: 1999
    Research Area : Transportation Engineering, Pavement Design
    Email :
    Ext.: 220

    3) DR. A. A. BAGE

    Associate Professor, Ph.D.
    Year of Joining: 1997
    Research Area : Nonlinear analysis Finite Element
    Analysis Concrete technology Repairs and
    Rehabilitation Artificial neural network
    Email :
    Ext.: 232

    4) Dr. A. R. Kambekar

    Associate Professor, Coordinator Unnat Bharat Abhiyan,
    M.Tech., Ph.D.
    Year of Joining: 2003
    Research Area : Offshore Engineering
    Email :
    Ext.: 224

    5)Dr. P. G. Gaikawad

    Chairman, Building & Works Commitee, Associate Professor
    Year of Joining: 2015
    Research Area : Construction Management
    Email :
    Ext.: 225

    6) Dr. Hansa Jeswani

    HOD of Civil Engineering, M.Tech., Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, CAS
    Year of Joining: 2003
    Research Area : Environmental Engineering
    Email :
    Ext.: 280

    7) Dr. Reshma Raskar

    Assistant Professor
    Year of Joining : 2003
    Research Area : Remote Sensing, GIS/GPS
    Email :
    Ext.: 101

    8)Dr. A.N. Ghadge


    Assistant Professor
    Year of Joining : 2004
    Area of Specialization: Environmental Engineering
    Email :
    Ext.: 277

    9)Prof. K. A. Nadgouda

    Assistant Professor,Ph.D
    Year of Joining : 2009
    Area of Specialization: Geotechnical Engineering
    Email :

    10)Prof. Snehajit J. Kumbhar

    Assistant Professor, M.Tech
    Year of Joining: 2015
    Area of Specialization: Environmental Engineering
    Email :
    Ext.: 229
    Tenured Faculty

    1) Dr. Tanuja Bandivadekar
    Associate Professor, Ph.D.
    Year of Joining : 2022
    Research Area :
    Email :

    2)Prof. Shweta Patil
    Assistant Professor
    M.E. (Construction Management)
    Pursuing Ph.D
    Year of Joining : 2021

    3) Mr. Ankit M. Asher
    Assistant Professor
    Pursuing Ph.D, M.Tech in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)
    Year of Joining: 2019
    Area of Specialization : Structural Engineering
    Email :
    Ext.: 258

    4) Mrs. Dipika Dalvi
    Assistant Professor
    M.E (Construction Management)
    Year of Joining : 2024
    Visiting Faculty
    1) Prof. Charles Simoes
    Assistant Professor, M.Tech
    Year of Joining : 2018
    Research Area :
    Email : -
    2) Mr. Prasad Gharat
    Asst Professor
    Specialisation: Structures
    Year of Joining: 2024
    List of faculty for B.Tech.(Civil Engg.) program
    Click to view


    1 ETAB & STADPRO Software Mr. Naresh Mistry March-2021 April 2021 Prof.Ankit Asher
    2 Design of machine foundation for industrial equipment’s Mrs. Medha moghe April 2021 April 2021 Dr.A.A.Bage
    3 Applications of GPS and Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering AICTE FDP 6 Jan 2020 8 Jan 2020 Dr.A.R.Kambekar
    4 Basic concrete Mix Design Ambuja Cement 27 Nov 2018 28 Nov 2018 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad, Prof.S.J.Kumbhar
    5 Advanced concrete Mix Design Ambuja Cement 7 Mar 2019 8 Mar 2019 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad,Dr.A.A.Bage,Prof.S.J.Kumbhar
    6 Software Training Programmes on ETABS - 17 Aug 2018 22 Aug 2018 Dr.A.A.Bage
    7 Software Training Programmes on STADPRO - 28 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2019 Dr.A.A.Bage
    8 One day workshop on “ Innovations in Concrete” RMC, Readymix 8 Sep 2017 8 Sep 2017 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad,Prof.S.J.Kumbhar
    9 Training cum Workshop on “Project Management Software’s-M.S. Project and Prima Vera” CAAD Center, Mumbai 10 Jan 2018 14 Jan 2018< Dr.A.N.Ghadge
    10 Training cum Workshop on “ Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software-Revit and Nevisworks - 18 Dec 2017 20 Dec 2017 Dr.A.N.Ghadge
    11 Workshop on “Bridge Architecture & Inspection Lectures Dr.V.K.Raina 5 Dec 2017 6 Dec 2017 Dr.A.A.Bage
    12 Three day training cum workshop on Geographic Information Systems (GIS)- open source, licensed and desktop software - 24 Mar 2017 26 Mar 2017 Dr. R.R. Raskar
    13 Three days training cum workshop on on “Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS” IIT,Bombay 10 Mar 2017 12 Mar 2017 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    14 Three Day Workshop cum training on “ Construction planning & management in Infrastructure Sector ” Intento Private Ltd. 17 Mar 2017 24 Mar 2017 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    15 Two day Workshop on “ Concrete Mix Design” Ambuja Cements Ltd. 10 Mar 2017 11 Mar 2017 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad, Prof.S.J.Kumbhar
    16 Three Day Workshop on “ Quantity estimation software for Autoscan & Autosteel ” Newton Software Pvt.Ltd., Pune 16 Feb 2017 18 Feb 2017 Dr.A.N.Ghadge
    17 Introduction to the Primavera CAAD Center, Mumbai March/April,2016 March/April,2016 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    18 Introduction to the MSP CAAD Center, Mumbai March/April,2016 March/April,2016 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    19 Software Training on “ Quantity estimation software for Autoscan & Autosteel ” Newton Software Pvt.Ltd., Pune 12 April 2016 12 April 2016 Prof.P.D.Singh
    20 Workshop on “Demonstration of Global Education Software package ( Stormgems, Sewergems,Watergems)” Bentley Systems 28 Aug 2015 28 Aug 2015 Dr.H.S.Jeswani
    21 One day training programme on Traffic Safety Awareness - 27 Feb 2015 27 Feb 2015 Dr.H.S.Jeswani
    22 Workshop on New generation concrete floors using Somero laser screed & Dramix steel fibre Somero Enterprises, 20 Apr 2015 24 Apr 2015 Dr.P.P.Nagrale
    23 Software training on Introduction to ArcGIS ESRI, Pune Sep, 2014 Sep, 2014 Prof.P.D.Singh, Prof.S.J.Kumbhar
    24 Introduction to the Primavera CAAD Center, Mumbai Dec/Mar,2014 Dec/Mar,2014 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    25 Introduction to the MSP CAAD Center, Mumbai Dec/Mar,2014 Dec/Mar,2014 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    26 Introduction to the Primavera CAAD Center, Mumbai 26 Aug 2013 28 Aug 2013 Dr. A.R.Kambekar
    27 Introduction to the MSP CAAD Center, Mumbai 20 Jan 2014 22 Jan 2014 Dr. A.R.Kambekar


    Sr.No. Name of the Industry/Institute Date Collaborative Activity
    1 S.V.National Institute of Technology, Surat 12-09-2013 Organisation of Joint conferences & Seminars, Practical Training to students, Joint Guidance for project /thesis in UG/PG students
    2 Dr.Fixit Institute of Structural protection & Rehabilitation , Mumbai 06-11-2013 Joint programmes in the fields of waterproofing, maintenance & Reapair of concrete structures
    3 Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sangli 2013-14 Collaborative research programme of mutual interests, work jointly on research projects
    4 Shri. Guru Gobind singhji institute of engineering & Technology, Nanded 10-01-2014 Joint Consultancy Assignments, Faculty & Staff development programmes, Collaborative research programme of mutual interests, work jointly on research projects
    5 College of Engineering, Pune 10-01-2014 To establish a written document under which both parties may enter into a written agreement to perform collaborative programmes in the areas of mutual interests
    6 Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli 11-12-2014 For Networking & Collabration to improve Academic, Research & Allied activities
    7 Environmental Policy and Research India 27-02-2015 Training sessions and corporate training programmes in the area of environmental science and engineering for government/non-government organizations to be held in collaboration
    8 National Highway Authority of India 05-08-2020 Mutual cooperation for dissemination of respective expertise in Civil/ highway field through the road infrastructure development.
    9 M/S harsh construction pvt. Ltd.Nashik 11-08-2021 For testing of construction materials periodically as per condition
    10 ThreCO 06-06-2022 Regarding Management of EWaste in Campus
    11 IGBC 20-06-2022 Knowledge sharing, capacity building and joint participation in activities related to green buildings and other similar initiatives
    Expert Lectures

    Academic Year 2020-2021

    Sr. No. Name of Expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Prof. G. Venkatachalam GPR and its applications 19 March 2021 B.Tech
    2. Dr. Kirti Dave /Dr.Vandana Bhatt Contract administration 30 July,2020 B.TECH/M.TECH

    Academic Year 2019-2020

    Sr. No. Name of Expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Mr. Amit Sandal Readymix concrete: Recent advancement 26 April 2019 UG & PG students
    2. Mr. Uttam Bhandare Innovation in Concrete 26 April 2019 UG & PG students
    3. Mr. Lalit Sharma Small Steps you can take Today for a better Tomorrow 30 July ,2019 T.Y.B.Tech (Civil)
    4. Mr. Hemant Gor Tall Building 21 August,2019 UG & PG students
    5. Mr. Ravi Vijay & Mr. Divyansh Singh Financial Literacy 27 August,2019 T.Y.B.Tech (Civil)

    Academic Year 2018-2019

    Sr. No. Name of Expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Mr. Ekhlaq Khan Deep Foundation construction for modern bridges 25 April,2018 B. Tech & M.Tech
    2. Mr. Bijeet Innovations in concrete 26 April,2018 B. Tech & M.Tech

    Academic Year 2017-2018

    Sr. No. Name of expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    5 Mr. Vinay Mysore LEAP Bridge, Open Bridge Modeler and RM Bridge from Bentley systems 8 November 2017 M.Tech.
    6 Mr. Sandeep Dubey from Gujrat Ambuja Cement Pvt. Ltd. Cement- Manufacturing process, Types and applications 2 November 2017 UG & PG students
    7 Mr. N.T. Chinivar from M/S Enlab Services Dynamic and Integrity testing of piles 30 October 2017 UG & PG students
    8 Mr. Kirti Dave, Techno- legal consultant, Mumbai Contract Administration 09 March 2018 UG & PG students

    Academic Year 2016-2017

    Sr. No. Name of Expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Mr. Manish Mokal (AFCONS) Durability of concrete 20 July,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    2. Mr. Vivek Abhyankar (AFCONS) Glory of civil Engineering. Few case studies and career options 22 July,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    3. Mr. Rahul Joag (LERA) Tall Buildings 27 July,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    4. Dr. Ganesh Kame Design of Industrial steel building with cold form steel sections 28 July,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    5. Mr. Kaustubh Raikar (Structwel consultants) Health Assessments of Structures 04 August,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    6. Mrs. Medha Moghe (JACOBS) Design of industrial structures and awareness of international codes 19 September,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    7. Mr. S. P. Khedkar Design of chimney 06 October,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    8 Mr. Sarang Sawant (BASF) Latest Technologise in concrete & Admictures 18 January 2017 B. Tech & M.Tech
    9 Mr Arun Kashikar Construction technology & Industrialized construction 19 January 2017 B. Tech & M.Tech
    10 Mr. Sachin Agarwal ( Black & Veatch) Piled Raft Foundation System 28 February 2017 B. Tech & M. Tech
    11 Uttam Bhandari RMC Plant visit 10 March 2017 S.Y. B.Tech (Civil)

    Academic Year 2015-2016

    Sr. No. Name of Expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Shri. Uttam Bhandari Readymixed Concrete for Quality, Speed & Economy of Civil Engineering Structures 04 October,2015 B. Tech & M.Tech
    2. Dr. Mangesh Joshi (Director, Sanrachana Consultancy Retrofitting of concrete structures 26 October,2015 B. Tech & M.Tech
    3. Mr. Vikas Rane Precast Construction in Bridges 05 February,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    4. Mr. Naseem Mohd. Design of RC High Rise Buildings 03 March,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    5. Mr. Manish Mokal New Tends in Concrete Techology 04 March,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    6. Mr. Umesh Dhargalkar (Technoesis) & Mr. Laxmikant Umarji (Technoesis) Opportunities in Civil Engineering 04 March,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    7. Mr. Aniruddha Chande Bridge Engineering- An Industrial outlook” 10 March,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    6. Uttam Bhandari Ready Mix Concrete 11 March,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech
    6. Uttam Bhandari RMC Plant visit 12 March,2016 B. Tech & M.Tech

    Academic Year 2014-2015

    Sr. No. Name of Expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Dr. Benjamin Jones (Asst. Professor, University of Nottingham) Concept of energy efficient ventilation of buildings 11 Feb,2016 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    2. Er. U.M.Paranjpe (Trustee-Jalvardhini Pratisthan) Use of Ferrocent & fiber cement in water conservation 27 Jan, 2016 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech M.Tech.
    3. Dr. Amulya Sahu (DOMS, Bombay ophthalmologist assocaition) Journey from Confusion to Clarity 18 Jan ,2016 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    4. Prof. B.A.Metri (Dean, International management institute) New, Delhi Construction management: quality, issues & challenges 23 July,2015 B.Tech, M.Tech (CM)
    5. Mr. Kimir Mahajan Application of Newton-software for quality estimation & project management 15 oct,2015 B.Tech, M.Tech (CM)
    6 Mr. Nikhil Pimputkar (Dy.Manager, J K Cement,) Mumbai Cement-white & gray concrete technology 19 oct ,2015 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    7 Prof. Gopal Rai (Executive officer, dhirendra group of company) Retrofitting of Structures 14 sep,2015 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    8 Mr.R.Ramkrishnan (Add. Chief Engineer,JNPT) Mumbai Project formulation & role of consultant 15 sep,2015 B.Tech, M.Tech (CM)
    9 Mr. Sanjivan Joshi Disaster Management in general & Business continuity planning 8 Aug,2015 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    10 Mr. D.S.Joshi Practical usage & advantage of hot deep galvanized rebar 11 Sep,2015 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech

    Academic Year 2013-2014

    Sr. No. Name of expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1 Mr. Gaurav R.Rai How to prepare for GATE & UPSC ENGINEERING SERVICES Examinations. July 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    2 Mr. Gaurav R.Rai How to prepare for GATE & UPSC ENGINEERING SERVICES Examinations. July 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    3 Divya Choudhary “Career counseling of SPCE students for admission in CBS University USA” July 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    4 Ms.Katrina Velkova “ Study Abroad” July 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    5 Mr.P.L. Bhongirwar Durable Assets for rural roads Aug 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    6 CADD Center Emerging World on 3D Printing helping Additive Manufacturing March 15 B.Tech, M.Tech (CM)
    7 Mr. Advait Aundhkar Smart Cities Oct 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    8 Prof. Devyani Joshi Recycling Technologies March 15 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    9 Mr. Shailesh Kadrekar. Repairs and Rehabilitation of Old Building Oct 14 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech

    Academic Year 2012-2013

    Sr. No. Name of expert\ Organization Title Date Class
    1. Dr. Fixit Institute Repair and Restoration of building component and water proofing techniques July-2013 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    2. Dr. H. M. Raje Civil Engineering theory and practices – Mega Structures Aug-2013 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    3. Dr. Pooja Jain Introduction to Offshore Pipeline Sep-2013 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    4. Dr. Ramaswami, New Delhi How to prepare competitive examination; in particular to UPSC civil services Oct-2013 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    5. Mr. A. Nadgouda Software’s used in Civil Engineering Nov-2013 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    6. Mr. Sanjivan Joshi Disaster Management in General April-2014 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech
    7. Aker Solutions Design of steel Structures May-2014 B.Tech, T.Y.B.Tech S.Y.B.Tech

    Course Attended 2020-2021

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Dr. AN.Ghadge Efficacy of Digital Pedagogy for Effective Online Teaching Learning SPCE, Mumbai 8th to 15th Oct 2020
    2 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Ground Improvement Techniques NPTEL 8 weeks
    3 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Efficacy of Digital Pedagogy for Effective Online Teaching Learning SPCE, Mumbai 8th to 15th Oct 2020
    4 Dr. AN.Ghadge e-Faculty Development Program (FDP) cum Workshop on “WASTE TO BIOENERGY Sharda University, Uttar Pradesh 28th June- 4th July, 2020
    5 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Construction Project Management IIT, Delhi 30th Nov-4th Dec,2020
    6 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Irrigation & Drainage NPTEL 12 week
    7 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Project Planning & Control NPTEL-FDP 8 week
    8 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Design thinking for educators in the new normal SPCE, Mumbai 28th-30th Sept,2020
    9 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Efficacy of Digital Pedagogy for Effective Online Teaching Learning SPCE, Mumbai 8th-15th Oct 2020
    10 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Scheduling techniques in Projects NPTEL 4 weeks
    11 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Construction methods and equipment management NPTEL-FDP 8 weeks

    Course Attended 2019-2020

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Prof. Pradnya Sambary International conference on Rehabilitation & Retrefitting of Structures DAE convention centre, Anushakti nagar, Mumbai - TEQIP III 24th & 25th June 2019
    2 Prof. Pradnya Sambary Assessment, Testing and Rehabilitation of Bridges - Part 1 IEI Local Centre Belapur- TEQIP III 03rd August 2019
    3 Prof. Ankit Asher Assessment, Testing and Rehabilitation of Bridges - Part 1 IEI Local Centre Belapur-TEQIP III 03rd August 2019
    4 Prof. Ankit Asher International Seminar on Performance based design of buildings & bridges for enhanced seismic resilience PHD House, New Delhi- TEQIP III 08th& 9th November 2019
    5 Dr. A. A. Bage Induction Programme for F.Y. B.Tech students SPCE (TEQIP III) 16th July 2019 to 05th August
    6 Dr. A. A. Bage Workshop on Retrofitting of steel Structures IIT Hyderabad (TEQIP III) 27th & 28th September, 2019
    7 Dr. A. A. Bage AICTE - ISTE approved STTP on Hands on Modern 3 D Modelling and Printing Techniques SPIT (TEQIP III) 2nd to 7th December 2019
    8 Dr. M. M. Murudi Workshop on Retrofitting of steel Structures IIT Hyderabad (TEQIP III) 27th & 28th September, 2019
    9 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Tools & Techniques for Hydrological Investigations NIH Roorkee 4th to 8th November, 2019
    10 Dr.H.S.Jeswani Biology for engineers FDP IIT Bombay (TEQIP III) 3rd to 7th June 2019
    11 Prof. Akshata Deshpande International Seminar on Performance based design of buildings & bridges for enhanced seismic resilience PHD House, New Delhi- TEQIP III 08th& 9th November 2019
    12 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Geotechnical Engineering- 1 NPTEL 12 weeks
    13 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Train the trainers on examination reforms KLE,Hubli 17th-19th Feb,2020
    15 Dr.A.R.Kambekar ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT NITTTR Chandigar 14th-20th April 2020
    16 Dr.A.R.Kambekar UNDERSTANDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT BASIC NITTTR Chandigarh 27th April-1st May 2020
    18 Dr.A.R.Kambekar RESEARCH ORIENTED PROJECTS NITTTR Chandigarh 11th-15th May 2020
    19 Dr.A.R.Kambekar LIFE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT NITTTR Chandigarh 18th-22th May 2020
    20 Dr.A.R.Kambekar Marine Infrastructure Development: Efficient Design of Ports, Terminals, Waterways& Coastal Structures IIT, Bombay 1st-5th July,2019

    Course Attended 2018-2019

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Dr. M. M. Murudi Induction Training for newly recruited faculties Lonavala (TEQIP III) 19th to 21st June, 2018
    2 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Deep Foundations of Mega Structures Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN) at IIT Bombay  August 27, 2018 to September 1, 2018
    3 Dr. M. M. Murudi 4th World Summit on Accreditation challenges & Opportunites in Outcome Based Accreditation New Delhi (TEQIP III) 7th to 9th September 2018
    4 Dr. A. A. Bage Induction Training for newly recruited faculties Lonavala- (TEQIP III) 19th to 21st June 2018/td>
    5 Dr. A. A. Bage National workshop on National Building code of India 2016 & Revised secsmic codes Powai TEQIP III 04th to 5th Oct 2018
    6 Dr. A. A. Bage Faculty Development Programme SPCE (TEQIP III) 29 oct-2 nov,2018
    7 Dr. A. A. Bage Concrete Mix Design workshop in collaboration with Ambuja Cement Chakala.(TEQIP III) 27th November 2018 to 28th November 2018
    8 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad National conference on Equity, Achievements & challenges in India. (TEQIP III) 15th & 16th March 2018
    9 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory” IITB (TEQIP III) NPTEL Aug,2018 to Sept 2018
    10 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Faculty Development Programme SPCE (TEQIP III) 29 oct-2 nov,2018
    11 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Concrete Mix Design workshop in collaboration with Ambuja Cement Chakala.(TEQIP III) 27th November 2018 to 28th November 2018
    12 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Presymposium workshop seismic on soil structure Interaction for Tall Building, Bridges & NPPS. IIT Roorkee (TEQIP III)
    13 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad One day workshop on Equity Acfcon Plan (TEQIP III) 27th November 2018
    14 Dr.H.S.Jeswani Faculty Development Programme SPCE (TEQIP III) 29 oct-2 nov,2018
    15 Dr.H.S.Jeswani Plastic waste management NPTEL (TEQIP III) February- April 2019
    16 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Enhancing teaching learning process & research skills GCOEK (TEQIP III) 29th October 2018 to 2nd Nov, 2018
    17 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Start-Up Conclave SPCE (TEQIP III) 23 Jan,2019 to 25th Jan 2019
    18 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory” IITB (TEQIP III) NPTEL Aug,2018 to Sept 2018
    19 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Developing Soft Skills & personality IITB (TEQIP III) NPTEL Aug,2018 to Sept 2019
    20 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Infrastructure planning and management IITB (TEQIP III) NPTEL 01-01-2019 to April 2019
    21 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Concrete Mix Design workshop in collaboration with Ambuja Cement Chakala.(TEQIP III) 27th November 2018 to 28th November 2018
    22 Prof. Akshata Deshpande National workshop on National Building code of India 2016 & Revised secsmic codes Powai TEQIP III 04th to 5th Oct 2018
    23 Prof. Akshata Deshpande Faculty Development Program Under TEQIP - III Andheri (W ) 29th October 2018 to 2 November 2018
    24 Prof. Akshata Deshpande National Level Training course on "Integrating DRR into SDGs with reference to SFDRR and COP 21" New Delhi Under TEQIP - III 18th February 2019 to 22nd February 2019
    25 Prof. Pradnya Sambary Induction Training for newly recruited faculties Lonavala- TEQIP III 19th to 21st June 2018
    26 Prof. Pradnya Sambary National workshop on National Building code of India 2016 & Revised secsmic codes Powai - TEQIP III 04th to 5th Oct 2018

    Course Attended 2017-2018

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Dr.P.P.Nagrale Faculty Induction Program COE, Pune (TEQIP III) 27th November 2017 to 02nd December 2017
    2 Dr. M. M. Murudi Faculty Induction Program COE, Pune (TEQIP III) 27th November 2017 to 02nd December 2017
    3 Dr.A.R.Kambekar Faculty Induction Program COE, Pune (TEQIP III) 27th November 2017 to 02nd December 2017
    4 Dr.A.R.Kambekar Assessment of Jalyukt Shivar (Watershed) for water conservation in villege areas Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research Badnera Amravati (TEQIP III) 4th & 5th February 2018
    5 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad Faculty Induction Program COE, Pune (TEQIP III) 27th November 2017 to 02nd December 2017
    6 Dr.H.S.Jeswani Droght Asssesment NIDM (TEQIP III) 29 Jan-2 Feb,2018
    7 Dr.R.R.Raskar Droght Asssesment NIDM (TEQIP III) 29 Jan-2 Feb,2018
    8 Dr.A.N.Ghadge Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software-Revit and Nevisworks SPCE (TEQIP III) 18-20 Dec,2017
    9 Dr.A.N.Ghadge Project Management Software’s-M.S. Project and Prima Vera SPCE (TEQIP III) 10-14 Jan,2018
    10 Prof. S.J.Kumbhar Sustainable Textiles materials VJTI (TEQIP III) 18-23 Dec,2017

    Course Attended 2016-2017

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Dr. Hansa Jeswani Advanced human resource management Indian Institute of Management, IIM Ahmedabad 1st -5th December 2016
    2 Dr. M. M. Murudi Pedagogy, Accreditation, Research and Entrepreneurship 22nd & 23rd November, 2016 Megapode Resort, Oort Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
    3 Dr. M. M. Murudi Advance Course on Right to Information Act. 2005 & Modern Management Practices GOA 9th to 13th January, 2017
    4 Dr. M. M. Murudi Developing Interpersonal Skills & Effective Communication Sardar Patel College of Engineering 2nd January 2017 to 7th January 2017
    5 Dr. M. M. Murudi Faculty and staff develoment for improved competency and Institutional Management capacity Enchancement Sardar Patel College of Engineering 21st to 22nd March 2017.
    6 Dr. M. M. Murudi Finite Element Analysis and its Applications Sardar Patel College of Engineering 25th March 2017 to 30th March 2017
    7 Prof. Akshata Deshpande Finite Element Method & Applications in civil engineering IIT Bombay 4th to 8th July, 2016
    8 Prof. Tauseef M.H. Structural Audit: Concept, Scope & Procedure Technoesis 9th & 10th August, 2016
    9 Prof. Tauseef M.H. Advanced Prestressed Concrete Design for Modern Buildings and Bridges" IIT Hyderabad 12th December 2016 to 22nd December 2016

    Course Attended 2015-2016

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Objectives and Outcome based Education System with Special Emphasis on Feedback and Assessment of PEOs and POs Sardar Patel College of Engineering  July 10 to July 12, 2014
    2 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development IIT, Delhi September 19 to September 20, 2014
    3 Dr. M. M. Murudi The Conclave on Enterpreneurship AICTE ,NEW DELHI. 19th September 2014
    4 Dr. M. M. Murudi International workshop on Emerging Trends in Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering IIT Delhi 20th & 21st December 2014
    6 Dr. T. P. Bandivadekar International workshop on Emerging Trends in Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering IIT Delhi 20th & 21st December 2014
    7 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Best Practices in Outcome Based Curricula Design and Pedagogy Alignment YASHADA, Pune January 9 to January 13, 2015
    8 Dr. Hansa Jeswani e-governance: Transforming government sector National Productivity Council, MHRD, India 25-29th May 2015

    Course Attended 2014-2015

    SR. NO. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Objectives and Outcome based Education System with Special Emphasis on Feedback and Assessment of PEOs and POs Sardar Patel College of Engineering  July 10 to July 12, 2014
    2 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development IIT, Delhi September 19 to September 20, 2014
    3 Dr. M. M. Murudi The Conclave on Enterpreneurship AICTE ,NEW DELHI. 19th September 2014
    4 Dr. M. M. Murudi International workshop on Emerging Trends in Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering IIT Delhi 20th & 21st December 2014
    6 Dr. T. P. Bandivadekar International workshop on Emerging Trends in Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering IIT Delhi 20th & 21st December 2014
    7 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Best Practices in Outcome Based Curricula Design and Pedagogy Alignment YASHADA, Pune January 9 to January 13, 2015
    8 Dr. Hansa Jeswani e-governance: Transforming government sector National Productivity Council, MHRD, India 25-29th May 2015

    Course Attended 2013-2014

    SR. No. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Dr. Hansa Jeswani Incorporation of Pedagogy in Engineering Education Indian Institute of Science IISc,Bengaluru 3rd-7th February 2014
    2 Dr. Hansa Jeswani Program In Training Skills Rutgers University, USA (22 Credits) 11-16 September 2014
    3 Prof. Kshitija Nadgouda Incorporation of Pedagogy in Engineering IISc, Bangalore 3 to February 7, 2014.
    4 Dr. Tanuja Bandivdekar Corrosion in RCC and Steel structure, fundamental , Assessment, Protection and repari strategy Sardar Patel College of Engineering Mumbai 6th to 7th February 2014
    5 Dr. Tanuja Bandivdekar Structural Testing Systems and Its Applications IIT MUMBAI 26th September 2014
    6 Prof. H. S. Pathak Corrosion in RCC and Steel structure, fundamental , Assessment, Protection and repari strategy Sardar Patel College of Engineering Mumbai 6th to 7th February 2014
    7 Prof. Neelam Petkar Corrosion in RCC and Steel structure, fundamental , Assessment, Protection and repari strategy Sardar Patel College of Engineering Mumbai 6th to 7th February 2014
    8 Prof. Prachi Dixit Corrosion in RCC and Steel structure, fundamental , Assessment, Protection and repari strategy Sardar Patel College of Engineering Mumbai 6th to 7th February 2014

    Course Attended 2012-2013

    SR. No. Name of the faculty Course/ seminar/workshop Title Arranged by Duration
    1 Dr.A.R.Kambekar MHRD’s National Mission for Teachers (Management Capacity Enhancement Programme) The Indian Institute of Management Indore 2 weeks April 29 to may 08 2013
    2 Dr. H. S. Jeswani EMS Auditor/ Lead Auditor Training Course LRQA Business Assurance 5 day 11-15 Feb 13
    3 Dr. M. M. Murudi Institute Building – Creation an institute of excellence IIT Delhi 25th to 28th October 2012
    4 Dr. Tanuja Bandivdekar Advanced Steel Design IIT Delhi 8th to 12th October 2012
    5 Dr. A. A. Bage Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings IIT Gandhinagar 26th to 30th November 2012
    6 Dr. A. A. Bage Advanced Steel Design IIT Delhi 8th to 12th October 2012
    7 Kshitija Nadgouda Geotechnical Investigations, Interpretations and Improvements SVNIT, Surat October 18 to October 22, 2013
    8 Dr. A. A. Bage Micro- Nano Technology in Service of Rural India Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli 1st to 2nd March 2013
    9 Dr. A. A. Bage Product Design Validation using Finite Element Analysis Sardar Patel College of Engineering 24th June 2013 to 28th June 2013
    10 Dr. A. A. Bage Communication and Power Transmission Towers' Structural Engg Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Chennai 6th to 8th February 2013
    11 Dr. M. M. Murudi Good Governance World Bank, New Delhi. 15th to 16th January 2013
    12 Dr. Hansa Jeswani Outcome based accreditation for Stakeholders National board of accreditation in association with SVKM’s NMIMS 29th April and 9-11th May 2013


    Consolidated list of Sponsored Research Projects

    Major Projects Undertaken:

    Apart from the routine testing of various types of construction materials, the department undertakes special tests as under:

    • Concrete mix design including higher grade concrete using accelerated curing technique
    • Testing of paver blocks
    • Polymer modified mortar – specimen preparation and testing
    • Load tests on beams and slabs including manhole covers
    • Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test on Concrete
    • Calibration of Compression testing Machines
    • Chloride and sulphate content of cement mortar and concrete
    • Permeability test of cement mortar and concrete
    • Geotechnical consultancy and testing for various private agencies in India.
    • Peer Review for MCGM on various storm water drain projects in Mumbai

    Major Consultancy Projects Undertaken:

    1 Proof checking of steel and RCC designs of various types of structures viz., commercial and residential buildings, bridge structures, reservoirs, swimming pools.
    2 Design of machine foundations.
    3 Analysis and design of structures using STAAD/ETABS
    4 Stability assessment of dilapidated building in Mumbai western suburbs and Mira Bhayander Municipal council area
    5 Instrumentation to bridge over Ganga river at Patna during external prestressing of bridge girders.
    6 Assessment of dynamic characteristics of vibration damper at Nasik.
    7 Testing of the Karal rail over bridge at JNPT, Navi Mumbai for three spans rehabilitated in first phase
    8 Proof checking of design & drawing of the bridge structures in ARUNACHAL PRADESH.
    9 Field instrumentation of supporting structure for MUMBAI MONO-RAIL project.
    10 Non-destructive testing of old bridge on river SONE near CHOPAN.
    11 Instrumentation of GANGA BRIDGE at PATNA ON NH-19.
    12 Measurement of strains in concrete due to external pre-stressing in balanced cantilever arm of TAPI bridge near VIDGAON, JALGAON.
    13 Measurement of strain due to external prestressing of RCC spans for Tapargaon bridge ,Aurangabad Dhule National Highway
    14 Instrumentation during strengthening of spans of Borim Bridge,Goa
    15 Maharashtra Film, Stage and Cultural Development Corporation Ltd.,Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagari,Goregaon (East), Mumbai-65
    16 National Projects Construction Corporation (NPCC) Limited, (A Govt. of India Enterprise) WZO, Mumbai.
    17 Consultancy for All India Radio (AIR), Borivali, Mumbai for ‘Recommendation of Pile foundations for construction of a community center at Borivali.


    1.Dr. A.N.Ghadge received Indian Patent from Government of India (Patent No. 349375 date 25.10.2020) for Innovation on “Earthen material based cathode separator assembly for scalable bioelectrochemical system” (805/KOL/2013 dated 05/07/2013)

    Faculty Publications
    Sr. No. Faculty Name Journal Conference Articles/Book Chapter Total
    International National International National
    1 Dr.M.M.Murudi 08 04 14 02 - 28
    2 Dr.P.P.Nagrale 05 13 04 22 - 44
    3 Dr.A.A.Bage 16 - 04 01 - 21
    4 Dr.A.R.Kambekar 17 04 27 43 01 92
    5 Dr.P.G.Gaikwad 01 01 03 01 - 06
    6 Dr.Hansa Jeswani 07 01 20 14 01 43
    7 Dr.Reshma Raskar 01 02 04 12 - 19
    8 Dr.A.N.Ghadge 17 06 30 14 02 69
    9 Prof. K.A.Nadgouda 02 01 04 - -- 07
    10 Prof.S.J.Kumbhar 03 - - 02 -- 05
    Total 329

    Contact Us

    Dr. Hansa Jeswani
    Head, Department of Civil Engineering

    Sardar Patel College of Engineering
    Munshi Nagar, Andheri(W), Mumbai 400 058
    Email :,
    Phone: 022 - 26289777
    Ext.: 225

    Database of Achievements

    Best Practises in Civil Engineering Department
    The following Best Practises are followed in Civil Engineering Department:
    • Mentorship - Each class is allotted 4 mentors (one is the class teacher), and in the timetable, there is a counseling session slot. When the students need guidance or counseling they can meet the mentors allotted and counseling related to their career or future path can be obtained from respective mentors. Personal matters counseling can be obtained from the counselor on specific days.
    • Mentors for 2023-24
      Mentorship book to be filled by students
    • Introductory sessions and Induction - The students are inducted in the civil engineering department with special collective sessions by faculty members introducing them to specific branches of civil engineering
    • Students are encouraged to take part in technical festivals and join the student chapter such as IGBC
    • There is a WhatsApp community for students (IInd to IVth Year) and their parents to keep them updated about their wards attendance and also to put important information

    Competitive Exam

    GATE student achievements
    Sr. No. Academic Year GATE GRE CAT
    1 2020-21 28 1 1
    2 2019-20 7 1 3
    3 2018-19 20 5 5
    4 2017-18 25 6 1
    5 2016-17 10 10 -
    6 2015-16 12 8 -
    7 2014-15 4 7 1
    8 2013-14 14 10 1

    Internship UG- Civil

    Internship PG- Civil

    Internship at Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute & Current Job

    Topic of Research - Developing low cost water filtration system for rural households

    The Study

    Safe drinking water is the basic need of human beings. Microbial contamination of drinking water is a major health hazard. According to World Health Organization (WHO) each year diarrheal diseases claim the lives of approximately 760,000 young children throughout the world. There are many types of bacteria, viruses and protozoans responsible for diarrheal diseases with a range of persistence in water, infectious does and health significance. This study aims at solving drinking water related problem of the rural poor.

    This project aims at making 30000-40000 liters of clean drinking water available to rural poor every day, in the nearby villages of Phaltan, Maharashtra. The idea is to pass raw water through 4-5 layers of filters and then sterilizing it by solar energy as well as biomass energy when solar radiation is low.

    The design of such water filtration system involves four stages. The initial stage is designing a pond for storing rainwater and pumping it through a certain head thus delivering it to the filtration plant. The second stage is to filter it through 4-5 layers of filters of size 250 microns to reduce the coliform count which increases the risk of water borne diseases. The next stage is to deliver the filtered water to solar tubular boilers to heat it at 60 degree celcius for inactivating bacterias. The final stage involves supply of treated water to rural households at minimal costs. The capital cost of project came to Rs. 70,00,000/- approximately and therefore the cost of water came to Rs. 0.30 per liter.


    During the internship, a feasilibility study was conducted taking into account the following

    • Pond designing
    • Pipe and pump designing
    • Tank and filters designing
    • Designing solar sterilizing system
    • Costing analysis
    News stories on the project appeared in various news lines like Business Standard, Moneylife, Newsgram, Huffington Post, among others. Better India carried a special story on it.

    Candidate Details
    Name - Ms. Rittika Sen
    Passing Month & Year - May 2015 ( Civil)
    Current Job At - Italian Trade Commission , Trade promotion section of the consulate general of Italy.
    Designation - Trade Analyst
    Role - Catalyzing and promoting bilateral trade and business between India and Italy.



    Faculty Publications

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2013-14

    Sr. No. Name of The Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the Thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Prithani Manish 20.08.2013 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework A. A.R. Kambekar In Progress
    2 Vikas Jagtap 20.08.2013 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework Hariharan In Progress
    3 Nilkanth Joshi 20.08.2013 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework M. M. Muridi In Progress
    4 Chourasia Rakesh Kumar 20.08.2013 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework A. A. Bage In Progress
    5 Ansari Asif M. 20.08.2013 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework Ukarande In Progress

    Ph.D. STUDENTS 2014-15

    Sr. No. Name of The Candidate Date of Admission in SPCE Registration Number and Date Title of the Thesis Name of the Supervisor Remark
    1 Shilplata Shamrao Tekade 19.08.2014 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework M. M. Muridi In Progress
    2 Siddhesh V.Nikam 14.08.2014 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework A. A. Bage In Progress
    3 Vishal Suresh Jagtap 13.08.2014 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework A. A. Bage In Progress
    4 Viren B. Chandanshive 13.08.2014 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework A. A.R. Kambekar In Progress
    5 Reeza R. Shaikh 14.08.2014 Applied for topic approval and Registration to University of Mumbai Doing coursework A. A.R. Kambekar In Progress


    Degree Stream Duration Intake
    B. Tech. Civil Engineering 4 Years(Full Time) 60

    Post Graduate

    Degree Stream Duration Intake
    M. Tech.(Civil) Construction Management 2 Years(Full Time) 13 + 5*
    M. Tech.(Civil) Structural Engineering 2 Years(Full Time) 13 + 5*

    Doctoral Program

    Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

    There shall be a single question paper for each branch of engineering. The question paper shall follow the pattern as shown in Table 1 for each stream. Candidate has to attempt questions from any one stream. To qualify PET candidate is expected to secure at least 50% marks.

    The syllabus for Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) in Civil Engineering will have six streams namely :

    1. Construction Management
    2. Environmental Engineering
    3. Geotechnical Engineering
    4. Structural Engineering
    5. Transportation Engineering
    6. Water Resources Engineering

    Schemes & Syllabus

    Sardar Patel College Of Engineering © 2016 All rights reserved.